
Nature day June 22, 2024


Expanding the Light Within: A Yoga Shaman Adventure

Join us for a magical journey of yoga, shamanic practices, and connection with nature to celebrate the sacred energy of the summer solstice!


I would be honored to have you join me for a one day experience where you will:

  • Reconnect with your inner wisdom and body movement

  • Clear energetic blockages and ignite your inner guidance by listening and seeing messages

  • Train your mind to help you, rather than hinder you, through movement and mental fitness practices 

  • Experience meaningful connections with women who are dedicated to lifting each other up 

  • Deep absorption in the wild.

  • We will spend the morning tuning into nature, moving and journaling, working with the wonder of

    nature and kinship.

The steward of your experience will be Lisa Watts Smith, Shaman and Positive Intelligence Coach


$150.00 or Venmo @Lisa-Smith-749

At the request of several clients, I will be hosting a class (Working with Messages) in my office on Wednesday, November 22nd from 7:00pm-9:00pm.  This will be a deep dive into the cards you pull and the story you connect to, we will analyze where you may be stuck or flourishing, we will gather, connect and play. This class is limited to 6 people and the cost is $150.00. Please email me directly to sign up.

One’s happiness depends less on what he knows than what he feels.
— Liberty Hyde Bailey

Despacho Ceremony

The Despacho Ceremony is an amazing, transformative experience that can be for you personally or shared with your family.


Despacho Ceremony with Lisa

Establish new patterns of relationship and possibility

The despacho is a gift--a giving back of what we receive everyday in our lives. We seek, through the despacho ceremony, to bridge the ordinary and non-ordinary realms; to establish new patterns of relationship and possibility. The despacho places us in right relationship, right ayni, with the Pachamama. It establishes a linkage between our three centers of interaction in the kaypacha (the physical universe); our llankay (our personal power and source of action, located in our solar plexus), our munay (the source of our love, located in our heart chakra), and our yachay (wisdom, sourced from our foreheads or "third eye"). 

"The contents of the despacho are in part determined by its purpose. The various elements that comprise the despacho energetically interact to permit access to portals or bridges from the ordinary and non-ordinary worlds. When working in ceremony with the despacho, one is accessing the non-ordinary energetic dimensions, the source of things. Though the contents may have symbolic significance, the despacho, when performed with the correct intent, transcends literal and symbolic domains and directly accesses the archetypal and energetic realms. 

"In order to build a good co-existence with nature, the only real choice we have is to enter with our heart, wisdom, and our action. We call upon the spirits of the waters, of the mountains, and of the Pachamama to come and help us prepare the offering. We have the intent of seeking to establish and maintain a continuous dialogue with the Mother and to bring balance and harmony to our lives, and to all our relations. It is through the dynamics of love, of right thinking, and of right action that our lives become bountiful. 

Personal Despacho Ceremony $600

Connecting to one’s intuition and inner guide is difficult in this chaotic world. Lisa teaches how to ground and focus through shamanic journey’s to imaginative realms where personal answers can be found. Her enthusiasm, encouragement and deep love for what she teaches and lives will inspire you to go deeper into the discovery of who you are and who you want to become.

— Sheila Ellison, Author, Teacher, Coach

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